******************* FILE 1 of 6 FILES ********************** (C) 31 JUL 88 Eric Gustafson, N7CL 2018 S. Avenida Planeta Tucson, AZ 85710 DPLL Derived Data Carrier Detect (DCD) For Filter Based and Single Chip Modems INTRODUCTION If you have a TNC which uses either the AMD7910 or the TCM3105 single chip modem, or a TNC which uses a modem based on audio filters like the PK-232, you can vastly improve the DCD performance of your modem for packet radio use. These single chip modems were originally designed for land line use. The designers, who had no idea that the chips might one day be applied to a radio system, made some assumptions about the incoming signal that simply do not apply to the radio environment. The data carrier detect function for them was not nearly so critical a function of the modem as it is for us on a busy packet radio channel. For the intended purpose of these chips, there was expected to be only 2 stations involved on any 1 channel at 1 time and these stations were connected by a nice quiet twisted pair. Under these circumstances, the Carrier Detect (CD) function built into these chips is entirely adequate. In the packet radio environment, the built in CD function is next to useless. Since I can't make the same defense for the designers of filter based modems specifically intended for packet radio from the beginning, I won't try to speculate about what drove their design decisions. The circuit presented here will allow your TNC to be used with unsquelched audio thus avoiding the unnecessary delay of the squelch circuit found in typical VHF FM radios. This circuit also provides several other important beneficial characteristics for the DCD system. First, since the assumptions used when the TNC software was written depend on DCD representing the presence or absence of a data carrier on the channel, it is important that the DCD circuit be able to distinguish a data carrier from noise or other non packet signals to a reasonable degree. The DCD circuits which simply detect the presence of ANY type of signal or noise on the channel are simply inadequate to this task. Since the DCD circuit presented here is based on the update signals in a Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) which recovers both baud clock and data from an NRZI packet data stream, its output represents true detection of the data carrier. Second, once a data carrier decision has been correctly made, it is important that the DCD indication remain valid through short fades, collisions, and while a signal too marginal to decode is on the channel. This is accomplished by providing a DCD "hang time" of approximately 5 to 8 character periods (this can be optimized) to hold the DCD output true through short dropouts from the above causes. This prevents a queued up TNC from piling on collisions, transmitting over a station which has a marginal signal, and beginning to transmit over a station which is still transmitting but whose signal received a short multipath hit during the packet. Third, it is important that the DCD system NOT be sensitive to audio amplitude variations. It should respond in exactly the same way for any signal that the modem is capable of decoding regardless of absolute input amplitude. Since this DCD circuit operates from the data recovered by the modem, all amplitude information is suppressed before the DCD circuit even sees the signal. NOTE! If your TNC uses the EXAR 2211 demodulator, this new circuit is unnecessary for you. Your existing DCD circuit can be more easily modified for correct operation without this circuit. The modification procedure for the 2211 demodulator is presented elsewhere and not repeated here. (continued in file #2) EOF